The staff of 202Q-lab has opened a few positions for master thesis for 2023 and we will have a master thesis event in which the projects will be introduced to the interested students at Chalmers on Wednesday, October 12th:
The positions we have opened are the following ones:
- Connectivity in Continuous Variable Quantum Computing:
The main task of the project is to design and characterize the coupling element between two CV cavities. The candidate will design and simulate the coupled quantum circuits using electromagnetic finite-element- method simulation software. The designed chips will be fabricated by the other members of the group and the candidate will then perform measurements of the devices at mK temperatures inside a cryostat. The device performance will be validated through state-of-the-art quantum tomography to demonstrate high-fidelity-quantum entanglement between CV modes.
More information: Here.
- High-Quality, Planar Superconducting Resonators for Continuous-Variable Quantum Computing:
The main task of the project is to benchmark different planar resonator designs. The candidate will design and simulate different types of planar circuits using electromagnetic finite-elementmethod simulation software.The candidate will design the chips that are then fabricated by the other members of the group.
Finally, the candidate will perform measurements of the devices at millikelvin temperatures inside a cryostat. The device performance is validated through quality factor measurements.
More information: Here.
- Ultra-low Noise, High Gain, Microstrip Kinetic Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifier:
The aim of this project is to design, fabricate and characterize a microstrip kinetic inductance traveling wave parametric amplifier (MKI-TWPA) for cryogenic temperatures (10 mk). By utilizing the properties of periodic structures in a microstrip transmission line, the dispersive properties of the device will be engineered to enable a phase-matching condition between the signal, idler, and pump frequency tones and maximize the gain. Figures of merit such as noise temperature, gain bandwidth and amplitude will be determined experimentally inside a dilution fridge using advanced spectroscopy measurements. The integration of the TWPA for qubit readout will be explored.
More information: Here.