Our Lab
Our laboratory is located in the room F4204 of the MC2 building.

We conduct our experiments in dilution refrigerators (base temperature below 10 mK) equipped with coaxial microwave lines, cryo-integrated amplifiers and circulators, and dc lines. At the moment, we have exclusive access to one dilution refrigerator, and shared access to two more. Our devices are loaded in custom-made sample holders protected by radiation and magnetic shields, and multiple such devices can be loaded simultaneously.
Our instrument rack hosts some cutting-edge microwave electronics for control and readout of our quantum devices; some of the highlights are:
- A 4-GHz microwave transceiver with highly customized firmware (8 inputs, 8 outputs)
- A PXI-e chassis with arbitrary waveform generators (12 channels, 1GSa/s), digitizers (4 channels, 500MSa/s), a vector network analyzer (up to 14 GHz), and a source-meter unit (5 channels)
- A multichannel microwave generator (4 channels, up to 20 GHz) with ultra-low phase noise
- A 4-port vector network analyzer (up to 20 GHz) with second source, pulse modulation, and spectrum analysis capability
We are in constant dialogue with the R&D departments of the companies supplying the instruments to keep upgrading our measurement firmware and software and thereby keep up with our experimental needs. Our catalogue of electronics is still expanding, and at the same time we are building our own solutions for room-temperature control electronics with in-house expertise.

Quantum device design and fabrication
We design our superconducting quantum devices with the aid of professional design tools and physics solvers. We fabricate our devices in Myfab Chalmers, a state-of-the-art nanofabrication laboratory housed in the same MC2 building. Our division has a long standing expertise in the fabrication of superconducting circuits and Josehpson junctions, which we leverage to realize superconducting qubits with state-of-the-art coherence (of the order of 100us), high yield, and good reproducibility. Among many cutting-edge pieces of equipment available to us are: two 100kV e-beam lithography systems, e-beam and thermal evaporators, sputtering systems, and wet and dry etching capabilities.

Software development
We develop our own measurement control software to meet the needs of our research. As an example, we developed a powerful instrument driver for Intermodulation Product’s Vivace platform. The driver implements high-level functionality for qubit measurement and control, and has been successfully utilized in several of our experiments. In parallel, we are also developing a highly customized test-and-measurement system using Keysight’s Hardware Virtual Instrument (HVI) design environment. We often drive these developments with summer projects and M.Sc. projects.