Thermally driven quantum refrigerator autonomously resets superconducting qubit
Mohammed Ali Aamir, Paul Jamet Suria, José Antonio Marín Guzmán, Claudia Castillo-Moreno, Jeffrey M. Epstein, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Simone Gasparinetti, Thermally driven quantum refrigerator autonomously resets superconducting qubit,
Nature Physics 21, 318–323 (2025)
Precision is not limited by the second law of thermodynamics
Florian Meier, Yuri Minoguchi, Simon Sundelin, Tony J. G. Apollaro, Paul Erker, Simone Gasparinetti, Marcus Huber, Precision is not limited by the second law of thermodynamics, arXiv:2407.07948
Quantum refrigeration powered by noise in a superconducting circuit
Simon Sundelin, Mohammed Ali Aamir, Vyom Manish Kulkarni, Claudia Castillo-Moreno, Simone Gasparinetti, Quantum refrigeration powered by noise in a superconducting circuit, arXiv:2403.03373
Engineering symmetry-selective couplings of a superconducting artificial molecule to microwave waveguides
Mohammed Ali Aamir, Claudia Castillo Moreno, Simon Sundelin, Janka Biznárová, Marco Scigliuzzo, Kowshik Erappaji Patel, Amr Osman, D. P. Lozano, Simone Gasparinetti, Engineering symmetry-selective couplings of a superconducting artificial molecule to microwave waveguides. Physical Review Letters 129, 123604 (2022). (Editors’ Suggestion)
Nonequilibrium heat transport and work with a single artificial atom coupled to a waveguide: emission without external driving
Yong Lu, Neill Lambert, Anton Frisk Kockum, Ken Funo, Andreas Bengtsson, Simone Gasparinetti, Franco Nori, and Per Delsing, Nonequilibrium heat transport and work with a single artificial atom coupled to a waveguide: emission without external driving. PRX Quantum 3, 020305 (2022).
Primary Thermometry of Propagating Microwaves in the Quantum Regime
M. Scigliuzzo, A. Bengtsson, J.-C. Besse, A. Wallraff, P. Delsing, and S. Gasparinetti, Primary Thermometry of Propagating Microwaves in the Quantum Regime, Phys. Rev. X 10, 041054 (2020).
News article here.